Sunday, February 19, 2012


I have been to embarrassed to post lately. I have a huge problem.......dry cuticles. We are talkin' peeling, tearing and bleeding:( This is the worst winter I have experienced. I don't think it helps when I'm at the hospital for school and constantly have to use hand sanitizer/wash my hands. Here is what I HAVE USED....

-Burt's Bees Lemon Butter Cuticle Cream
-CND Solar Oil
-OPI Avoplex
-Qtica Intense Cuticle Repair Balm
-A couple Sally Hansen (not sure the name). One was in a green click pen and the other was in a yellow click pen.
-The only lotion I've liked for my hands is Aveeno hand lotion and Lubriderm with AHA.

If anyone has any advice that would be amazing!! I have so much new polish I want to show you! Thanks guys.

Until next time,
Don't spill your polish:)
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  1. Lush's Lemony Flutter & Aquaphor Healing Ointment! Slather your hands & put on gloves when you go to bed. Lotion after EVERY TIME you wash your hands :)

    1. I forget about Lush sometimes. They don't sell it around where I live. I will have to order some. Thank you!!

  2. I second Lush Lemony Flutter. Also a good hand moisturizer, Camilie Beckman, has a great glycerin hand therapy that's a life saver for me. Good luck!

  3. I haven't tried it, but Lansinoh (nipple cream for nursing mothers) has been working wonders on the Nail Board on MUA.

  4. I recently saw on someone's blog... I really, really wish I could remember which one, because the before and after pictures were amazing, where she put olive oil on her cuticles, covered them with a bandaid for 10-15 minutes and afterwards there was a major improvement. Just from that.

    edit: FOUND IT

    1. Thanks! I will have to try that one. I have done something like that before but I used an antibiotic ointment and left the bandaids on overnight.
